About Green Witch Gardens

Welcome! We are Melissa, Sara, and Ellen - the owners of Green Witch Gardens. We purchased the shop in January of 2022 and have recently transitioned the name over from The Flower Market to Green Witch Gardens.
Our long-term goals:
- Expand our bonsai offerings with more yamadori collecting (trees from this year's excursion will be available in 2024), growing from seed, and implementing a bonsai apprenticeship program
- Regularly improve the quality of bonsai material we offer through selection and care, plus find opportunities to carry more unique and high end trees
- Have a larger presence in the national bonsai community by being a part of more shows and events beyond the midwest
- Become more eco-friendly as a business (floral & bonsai)
- Gradually plant a botanical garden on the property
- Build a community of like-minded individuals and a safe space for all by continuing and expanding classes, events, etc.
Why Green Witch?
While there are a lot of technical reasons for changing to a more unique name (SEO, searchability, etc.), this new name focuses more on our goals for the future as a store, bonsai nursery, and eventually a botanical garden. Green witches respect and draw their power from nature and the Earth. We will strive to follow this ideology as we continue to expand and grow with our goals. We hope to serve our communities in a way that helps people and the planet. Thank you all for your support and patronage!